Abundance & Prosperity Orgone Pyramid

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The Abundance and Prosperity Orgone Pyramid was created due to the many requests for and Orgone device that can be used to help create more abundance in ones life. You can use it as a focusing point for your Intent. Hold it to your Solar Plexus, or to where you are guided, and ask for what you desire, with the caveat that it is in line with your Soul's purpose. Imagine the Pyramid is a powerful energy generator and that your programming it to broadcast your Intent. You are attuning it to the frequency of what you desire, to draw it to you. It is important to remember that you can only attract what you are the vibration of, so you will also need to attune your own consciousness to the correct frequency. You can write down your desires and place it underneath the pyramid, with the Intent that it will broadcast your desires and attract them to you.

This Pyramid has a Citrine Point, and these specialty crystals for prosperity, abundance and luck:

Jade, Peridot, Emerald, Garnet, Green Aventurine, Tigers Eye, 

This pyramid also has:

Amethyst, Blue Kyanite,  Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Serpentine, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Magnetite, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Pyrite.

And, like all the pyramids, there are two layers of copper with a copper spiral.

In addition I've added a custom made Essential Oil blend, that was created to work in harmony with the concept of this Pyramid. This oil has been placed in the pyramid and on the outer sides. The concept is that the pyramid puts of all this high frequency energy, so if we layer the pyramid with an essential oil, it will carry those frequencies as well.

At the base of every pyramid I have left an open channel in the copper so that you can put the pyramid on an LED light stand. This really transforms the pyramid into an even more beautiful art piece.

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