Money Harmonizer

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The Money Harmonizer cleanses negative energy and vibrations off of money bills and coins in less than a minute. Keep it in your wallet to discharge automatically all incoming money.

Money per se is neutral, but in its physical form has gone through many hands before it reaches you. If your personal etheric field is weak, your body’s cellular memory will likely pick up and store the sticky information as soon as you come in contact with it.

A recent court decision in Arizona explained that today practically any bundle of money might carry traces of drugs. In addition and on a more subtle energetic level negative emotions like stress, fear, greed, envy, etc. easily hold on to money.

The Money Harmonizer clears negative energy from checks, bank accounts and even credit cards. Credit cards create a debt every time they are used. Sensitive people often feel a drain attached to money and feel uncomfortable using it because of the vibrations attached to it.

The Money Harmonizer clears incoming postal mail as well. Next to cash money postal mail is the easiest medium to distribute uneasy energies from bills sent out, dishonest business offers, junk mail and cheap advertising carrying all kind of exhausting and draining frequencies.


  • Use the Money Harmonizer either in your wallet next to cash and credit cards, on a special spot where you collect payments and checks or use it on top of your files with bank account information and/or credit card bills.
  • Set your Money Harmonizer on a specific plate (in your Wealth & Prosperity gua) where you collect all incoming checks. Keep checks there (with the Money Harmonizer) for a few minutes before cashing them.
  • In case you collect change in a jar (preferably again in your Wealth and Prosperity area), again make sure the money energy of these coins is cleared for best results.
  • If you use a Feng Shui cure with antique Chinese coins make sure they are cleared before applying the cure.
    We also found it helpful to clear letters and packages and all incoming postal mail from attached energies they have picked up within the worldwide delivery system. Tape the Money Harmonizer inside your mailbox or keep it on a plate where you collect your incoming mail.

Additional thought: If we’d cleanse and discharge all our money before it goes back into circulation we’d contribute to lift the energy on a global level, one step at a time.
