Sound Oasis Glo to Sleep Therapy Mask (GTS-1000)

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Using The Glo to Sleep

When using the Glo to Sleep mask, the objective is no longer trying to fall asleep. Simply raise the eyes, hold the gaze on a blue point of glo and breathe deeply.

Thoughts slow and the mind clears. The body relaxes and arms and legs feel heavy. The eyelids begin to feel heavy as the individual continues to gaze at the Point of Glo. What happens next is what many Glo to Sleep therapy mask users find so amazing: the transition from consciously looking up at the blue Points of Glo to the first stage of sleep often seems instantaneous. At no time is the user thinking “they must get to sleep”.

The Glo to Sleep mask rapidly slows the brain’s activity level to a deep relaxed state. Looking up at the blue Points of Glo will be the last thing the user remembers upon awakening. Both subjective and objective examinations agree, meditation, self-hypnosis and the Silva Alpha technique, all demonstrate that raising the eyes and finding a focal point can aid in relaxation by lowering brain-wave frequencies. The Glo to Sleep therapy mask shares fundamental mechanisms, in regards to the interconnecting physiology of the brain and eyes, with meditation, self-hypnosis and the Silva Alpha technique. If an individual is looking for a resolution to their sleeping problems, but does not have the time or inclination to learn and practice relaxation therapies, the Glo to Sleep therapy mask is an ideal solution. The Glo to Sleep mask will allow the individual, whether they have chronic insomnia or struggle to get to sleep a few nights a month, to relax quickly, clear their mind and get to sleep naturally.

How it works

If you are lying in bed awake – thinking or worrying – your brain is generating faster beta waves. In order to fall asleep, you need to slow your brain activity down to the alpha wave state. In the alpha wave state, your mind and body are relaxed – the bridge between awake and asleep. For centuries, meditation has been widely used in many cultures to achieve a state in which no thoughts come in to mind. The technique used to achieve this, is to focus the attention, looking upwards to a point between the eyebrows – commonly known as the third eye or spiritual eye. Scientists now understand that this act of looking up influences brain wave patterns. Research has proven that by raising the eyes – with meditative training, practice and concentration – the relaxed alpha wave state can be reached. your eyes open, looking up at a Point of Glo.

Here is how . . .

The brain and eyes form a subconscious monitoring that is working when we are awake and alert. This monitoring system performs an important system orienting task. If the eyes roll up, the brain stops receiving orienting information, and an individual’s level of awareness is altered.